V-Modell XT
From model to practice: Efficient project management with V-Model XT using Projektron BCS
V-Model XT is the established standard for planning and implementing system development projects in government agencies, military institutions and in safety-critical industries. It provides a flexible basis for methodically structuring projects and adapting them to individual requirements. From mapping different project types and variants to integrating modular process modules and dynamically adapting them using tailoring – Projektron BCS provides you with the tools to manage your projects efficiently and in compliance.
Projektron BCS: Perfect for your project management according to V-Model XT
V-Model XT offers clear basic concepts for structured projects – from tailoring to project types to decision gates. With Projektron BCS, you can implement these flexibly and efficiently. Our software helps you to precisely plan and implement activities, products and milestones – for each project, tailored to your requirements.
V-Modell XT project types with Projektron BCS
With Projektron BCS, you can seamlessly map and efficiently control the project types of V-Modell XT. The software enables you to clearly structure your projects according to the defined roles: client, contractor or a combination of the two (client/contractor). Even complex scenarios such as the introduction and maintenance of an organization-specific process model can be easily implemented. This flexibility and adaptability of Projektron BCS helps you to optimally implement a wide range of project requirements of the V-Model XT.
BCS functions for project types according to V-Model XT
Stakeholder communication: Centralized communication for client and contractor roles using a variety of tools for project communication
Role and rights management: Clear separation and assignment of tasks for clients, contractors or combined roles (client/contractor)
Resource and capacity planning: Planning and monitoring of resources and capacities in system development projects
Model maintenance and change management: Organization-specific process models thanks to customization and adaptable templates
V-Model XT project type variants with Projektron BCS
The project type variants of V-Model XT define the framework for the project process and take into account aspects such as the number of contractors or the system life cycle section (e.g. development or maintenance). With Projektron BCS, you can flexibly map these variants: by customizing workflows, user-defined fields and templates, the software supports the specific requirements of each project type variant. Even in complex scenarios with multiple contractors or a combination of development and maintenance projects, Projektron BCS makes planning, control and documentation easier.
BCS functions for project type variants according to V-Model XT
Multi-project management: control of parallel projects (e.g. AG with several AN) with dependencies and synchronization of milestones
Lifecycle management: adaptation to different system lifecycle sections (development, maintenance, migration)
Workflows and processes: creation of customized workflows and BPMN processes for specific project types.
Contract management and controlling: support for managing project contracts and responsibilities for different AN

Björn Höhne
Director Consulting, USU GmbH
“In projects with clients from public administration, traditional project process models continue to dominate (e.g. V-Modell XT Bund for federal ministries). Collaboration with customers from the financial sector is currently essentially incremental, whereas some projects with customers from the industrial segment are largely agile (based on Scrum). Depending on the respective project contracts, the three key points of deadlines, costs, and scope of services are strictly fixed (e.g. EVB-IT creation at a fixed price with defined delivery times). The decisive factors for using Projektron BCS included the breadth of its functional scope, the low migration effort (including training) due to its “proximity” to USU's core business, and the possibilities for customizing it ourselves.”
V-Model XT results with Projektron BCS
In V-Model XT, results and intermediate results are hierarchically structured as products, with complex products being subdivided into topics. Projektron BCS supports this structuring by enabling products and intermediate results to be mapped for products using the work breakdown structure (WBS) and the graphical network plan, and by clearly assigning responsibilities using role concepts. Progress and results are tracked using controlling dashboards and reports, while all work steps and products are documented in an audit-proof manner. In this way, BCS enables efficient administration and transparent tracking of all project products and their development.
BCS functions for results according to V-Model XT
Product and result management: “Products” work area with product backlogs and product network plan
Product review and release processes: release processes for products and results with processes according to BPMN 2.0
Activity and work processes: management of activities and sub-activities (work steps) via tasks and integrated ticket system
Documentation and verification: accompanying documents, logs and comments on activities automatically documented in the project
Test Projektron BCS for your project management according to V-Model XT
Implement V-Model XT efficiently: from tailoring to milestone planning – Projektron BCS offers you the right tools. Test it now and see how easy project management can be!
Process modules according to V-Model XT with Projektron BCS
The process modules in V-Model XT combine products, activities and roles and form the basis for adapting the model (tailoring) to project-specific requirements. They ensure a clear structure and assignment of responsibilities, make it easier to organize processes and ensure consistency between the individual project steps. With Projektron BCS, the building blocks can be flexibly mapped and managed: the software enables the necessary roles, products and activities to be integrated and the dependencies between building blocks to be tracked. In this way, BCS supports the efficient planning and implementation of customized project solutions.
BCS functionality for process building blocks according to V-Model XT
Linking products, activities, and roles: structured assignment
Integration capability: linking with other BCS functions (e.g., time tracking, HR management, CRM)
Process visualization: graphic representation of the individual activities and their dependencies
Documentation and reporting functions: automatic documentation and creation of progress reports

Jörg Klenke
Management Board | PMO, BURGER ENGINEERING GmbH & Co. KG
“Depending on the project and customer requirements, we develop according to the V-model, Scrum or a mixture of both. We primarily work according to classic project management methods if hardware components or an electronic sample are involved. Pure software development projects are usually implemented using Scrum. All projects are mapped in Projektron BCS and shared among the project participants.”
Project implementation strategies in V-Model XT with Projektron BCS
The project implementation strategy is a central element of V-Model XT that defines the order of decision points and thus provides the framework for the course of the project. Decision points mark important milestones in the project at which approval for further phases is given on the basis of finished products or documents. While the process modules in V-Model XT bundle products, activities and roles, they do not specify a chronological order – this is defined by the project execution strategy. Projektron BCS helps teams to efficiently plan and implement these strategies.
BCS functions for project implementation strategies according to V-Model XT
Milestone/Quality Gate Management: Planning and visualization of critical points, also across projects
Schedule: on schedule or on resource in the dynamic Gantt chart
Team planning: staffing the project team with the right employees based on roles or skills, with optimal resource utilization
Quality management: integration of tests before important decisions (quality measurement points)
Tailoring in V-Model XT with Projektron BCS
Tailoring is a central mechanism of V-Model XT that allows the procedural model to be adapted to the specific requirements of a project. This involves defining the project type, type variant and project characteristics in order to select activities, products and roles in a targeted manner and exclude unnecessary aspects. With Projektron BCS, users can efficiently perform both static and dynamic tailoring: the software provides support in classifying projects, customizing workflows and integrating new features during the course of the project. This flexibility makes BCS easier to create customized project plans and promotes precise project management.
BCS functions for tailoring according to V-Model XT
Static tailoring: project and project type templates can be saved as a baseline and flexibly adapted
Project controlling: need for adaptation in the course of the project is data-based (milestone trend analysis, target-actual comparisons, earned value analysis, and much more)
Dynamic tailoring: changes are possible at any time during the project
Visualization of changes: changes in planning statuses are comparable, notification of the project team
Advantages of Projektron BCS when working with the V-Model XT
Optimal planning of projects: With Projektron BCS, you can clearly define and efficiently control the processes, activities, milestones, products, roles and responsibilities as well as costs and expenses according to the specifications of V-Model XT. | |
High project transparency: Projektron BCS offers complete transparency by providing a structured overview of all relevant project management processes – from planning to risk, problem, and change management to quality assurance and reporting. | |
Minimizing project risks: Projektron BCS supports the defined handling of risks starting with project preparation and ensures that all of the required results, procedures, and decision points are adhered to in accordance with V-Model XT specifications. | |
Increasing quality: Projektron BCS ensures the high quality of project results by seamlessly controlling all key figures in real time and clearly defining expected results – precisely according to V-Model XT standards. | |
Improved communication between client and contractor: Projektron BCS promotes seamless communication and collaboration between all project participants by providing a clear job and process structure in accordance with V-Model XT specifications and a large toolset for organizing work,teamwork and stakeholder communication. | |
Direct and transparent billing: Thanks to the integrated time tracking, billing module and CRM, you can bill your customers directly for recorded project expenses. |

Flexibility and adaptability
Projektron BCS is adaptable and can be customized to the specific needs of your company and your projects. The software grows with your requirements.

Complete integration
Projektron BCS offers a fully integrated platform that covers all aspects of project management and allows for easy implementation of V-Model XT standards.

Real-time data and reporting
By using dashboards and reports in Projektron BCS, you can keep an eye on the current status of your projects at all times and react quickly to changes.
V-Model XT with Projektron BCS: Start testing now!
Projektron BCS is the ideal software solution for practically implementing all the advantages of V-Model XT and for providing the highest level of support for project planning and execution. Test Projektron BCS now free of charge and without obligation and see for yourself!