Project controlling
Manage projects successfully with the project controlling tools in Projektron BCS
The aim of project controlling is to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of projects. As project controlling software, Projektron BCS offers a project team all the tools it needs to successfully manage your project throughout its life cycle. With graphical evaluations, target/actual comparisons and forecasts, our project management software provides you with the information you need to effectively control individual projects and entire project landscapes and to proactively manage all costs and deviations from plan.
All in one software: Project controlling tool Projektron BCS
Projektron BCS provides all the tools and functions you need to bring your projects to a successful conclusion - in terms of quality, costs and deadlines!
Imagine you could...
➤ monitor your entire project landscape with graphical evaluations in real time.
➤ customize project information as required and evaluate it multidimensionally.
➤ perform earned value analyses, milestone trend analyses, target/actual comparisons and method-specific evaluations at the click of a mouse.
➤ be informed about deviations in performance, costs and time at an early stage.
➤ make changes to the project plan flexibly and quickly.
➤ recognize possible budget overruns in advance.
➤ easily generate all relevant project reports.

Anna Pieler
Application Manager, x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH
"Projektron BCS shines in projects and large-scale projects. It is our main tool when it comes to project time recording, which serves as the basis for billing. The functions of BCS that are responsible for the evaluation of KPIS (inTime, inBudget, inScope) are also used. These KPIs are used for certifications, for example."

Manfred Nowotny
Board of Directors, ONTEC AG
"The system serves as a "single source of truth" for our controlling and forecasting. Current and expected sales and costs at the project, customer, organizational unit and overall company levels are determined from Projektron BCS. The quality and informative value of our interim results and forecasts has improved significantly with the introduction of Projektron. In addition, it was a big step towards transparency in our key performance indicators."

Adrian Kamer
Senior System Architect at Deleproject AG (Switzerland)
"With BCS, we can effectively plan and monitor our projects. In addition, employees can precisely book their working hours to projects and tasks. This also allows us to monitor project progress and take corrective action in case of deviations. We keep our customers informed with generated status and effort reports."

Dr. Claus Görner
Managing Director at UID GmbH, Multimedia
The most impressive features of Projektron BCS include its versatility and the transparency in terms of controlling. Our controlling is much more efficient and straightforward thanks to this project management software.

Eva Klama
Project Management Office, Hörmann KG Antriebstechnik
"The use of BCS has significantly increased the overview during the course of the project. We can now make more qualified statements about when a project can probably be completed. In addition, information about delays in the project process and their reasons is provided at an early stage."

Carsten Münch
Team Coordinator Application Management, TÜV Rheinland Service GmbH
"At TÜV Rheinland, Projektron BCS is at the center of the global application landscape for project management. It provides and maintains important data in all business areas and offers effective project controlling. With the introduction of Projektron BCS, the daily work of employees has become much more uniform, optimized and user-friendly in many places."

Koen Spekreijse
Head of Application and Process Management, CAL Consult Nederland BV, Software Development
Transparency has been improved considerably since both CAL Consult Nuremberg and CAL Consult Ede began using Projektron BCS. Now, processes can be better standardized across both parts of the company. This in turn provides a good foundation for quickly bringing joint projects to life, communicating in a targeted way, and thus successfully implementing customer and IT projects.
Project overview - needs-based and up-to-date
In BCS you have all the project controlling tools you need to get a quick overview of the status of your project:
Project overview: In your project's dashboard, the project overview, you can see current activities and developments in the project at a glance. | |
Bar charts: The current status and degree of utilization of resources, how the costs and expenses are made up and whether you are in the profit zone or the loss zone can be easily seen in the bar charts. | |
Speedometer graphics: Thanks to the speedometer graphs, you can recognize deviations from the plan very easily and are immediately able to assess their impact on the success of your project. |
In addition to the graphics, the project overview offers you a variety of other elements that you can display as required, such as upcoming project deadlines, open project tasks or possible project risks. All elements can be arranged using drag & drop and combined as required.
Graphic progress display: Helpful additional functions in the Gantt chart
Thanks to the wide range of project controlling functions in Projektron BCS, the Gantt chart not only supports you in well-founded time planning, but also helps you to keep an eye on schedule adjustments and their effects during project execution. In Projektron BCS, for example, you can directly compare the last planning status with your current planning. With the project progress view option, you can see how well you are on schedule.
Quickly record the current project status in the work breakdown structure
The work breakdown structure is one of the most important tools in project management. Evaluations of target/actual comparisons and the associated forecasts are displayed in Projektron BCS at all levels of the project structure. The practical tree structure ensures a clear display and allows you to easily navigate to deeper project structures by drilling down, for example when analyzing deviations.
Flexible evaluation dimensions - see what is important
Whether classic cost accounting with cost types, cost units and cost centers or evaluations along the project structure: In Projektron BCS you evaluate exactly the dimensions that are important to you, for example the planned values against the actual values of costs and sales. The cost progression and cost totals line are summarized in a clear diagram, allowing you to view the planned and actual values of your costs over time.
More specific evaluations are also possible. For example, you can display all open checklist entries in the tool. You can also evaluate planned and actual data from the past, present and future for each employee or department. Plan deviations, free capacities and capacity bottlenecks are highlighted in color and facilitate your resource management.
Multidimensional task evaluation with the interactive sunburst diagram
If projects in your organization consist of a large number of tasks, it is not always easy to record the technical progress of the tasks over the entire project at a glance. In order to be able to record the project progress in several dimensions simultaneously and clearly and to evaluate it with regard to various key figures, Projektron BCS offers a task sunburst diagram as an interactive graphic with corresponding grouping options.
The view is available both at the project root and at all other grouping elements of the WBS structure (program, project, sub-project, work package). The interactive diagram enables you to intuitively perform complex and multidimensional effort and cost evaluations.
The earned value analysis enables you to see the cost and schedule situation in your projects at a glance. This project controlling tool, which is recommended by theGerman Association for Project Management (GPM) and IPMA, evaluates plan fulfillment based on project progress and derives a forecast for further project development.
Projektron BCS supports all three forecasting methods described in the GPM standard (optimistic, pessimistic and realistic). You can also choose which method is used to calculate the project progress. BCS supports progress calculation based on material costs and time bookings as well as the GPM calculation rules 0/100, 20/80 and 50/50.
The most important key figures are displayed directly when you move the mouse over the diagram. Below the diagram, you can specify which period you want to evaluate. The diagram adapts dynamically and enlarges or reduces the display.
Target/actual comparisons: Traffic lights and progress evaluations
For your project controlling to be effective, you need to recognize deviations between planning and execution at an early stage. Projektron BCS offers you a large number of target/actual comparisons for the central assessment criteria of performance, costs and time.
Projektron BCS uses traffic lights to indicate whether you are deviating from your plan. The values at which the traffic lights switch to green, yellow or red can be configured.
Planned and booked personnel expenses and hourly rates form the basis for cost comparisons. Projektron BCS uses these to calculate the target and actual values for personnel costs. Together with the planned and recorded material cost items, these form the target and actual values of the total costs.
Milestone trend analysis: for efficient schedule controlling
Milestone trend analysis is a useful method in project controlling for visualizing the progress and adherence to deadlines of milestones in a project using a diagram. This type of project controlling evaluation is particularly suitable for stakeholders such as management or clients who need a quick overview of the project progress.
Projektron BCS offers the advantage of automatically generating these milestone trend analyses and exporting them as SVG files if required. This facilitates the communication of project progress and enables stakeholders to use the information in presentations or reports.
Ready to act immediately: Recognize the need for change at an early stage
Act flexibly and transparently when plans change
Act flexibly and transparently in the event of plan changes
The client submits a change request or a risk has actually occurred: Despite good planning and vigilant project controlling, there are many events that result in a deviation from the original plan. Whether in the work breakdown structure plan or in the Gantt chart: In Projektron BCS, you can reschedule easily and quickly - even after the project has started.
The times at which something has changed in the project can be clearly and precisely tracked value by value in the graphical history. The diagram shows you both the development of the external order volume and your internal planning as well as the development of the actual values and residual values over time. In the effort progression diagram, you can see how much work has been done and when during the course of the project. This also provides a forecast for future requirements and any need for changes.
Forecasted budget overruns: Signal effect
Forecast time and cost overruns are highlighted in red in the Projektron BCS project controlling evaluations. This allows you to see possible deviations from the plan before they occur and take targeted action in good time. The remaining effort estimates from the time recording and the residual value estimates from the material costs serve as the basis for the forecast.
Notification by e-mail: Informed in good time
Is the project budget likely to be exceeded? Is a delivery date approaching? Is a sub-project target overdue?
Projektron BCS will inform you of such events by e-mail if you wish. This allows you to recognize at the right time which tasks or other points you should adjust in your project work in order to bring the project back on track.
For the entire portfolio: Multi-project controlling with Projektron BCS
It is particularly important for the project controller to maintain an overview of the available resources at all times if you are carrying out several projects simultaneously as part of multi-project management and your project teams are very large. With Projektron BCS you can easily master this challenge.
Multi-project controlling in Projektron BCS provides a comprehensive overview of an organization's project landscape. At the overall project level, BCS enables the project controller to monitor all projects in the company and check compliance with the planned effort and costs in order to make accurate predictions about project progress. Warnings, missed deadlines and planned effort overruns at task level are also easily recognizable, allowing him to take appropriate action at an early stage.
The project controller evaluates personnel costs, material costs and total costs in detail according to cost units, cost centers, cost types and employee cost centers. It provides a comprehensive overview of all customer orders and exports personnel postings for a specified period in CSV format if required. The project controller can also evaluate which expenses, personnel costs, material costs and total costs can be charged for invoicing.
The procedure in multi-project controlling begins with an overview of all projects in the Project tree view. The total costs of all projects are then evaluated in the Costs/Project view, whereby order costs and planned costs are compared with the actual costs incurred. Detailed cost analyses are carried out in the views under the heading Cost accounting. Expense postings are monitored in the Expenses/Project view and, if required, all postings for a specific period can be exported in CSV format. Critical tasks where the planned end date or the planned effort has been exceeded are identified in the Critical tasks view so that action can be taken in good time.
In Projektron BCS, you have the option of analyzing each part of each project in detail and in the entirety of your entire project landscape.
So you can...
avoid overloads,
ensure that collaboration within your teams runs smoothly,
check whether the available resources are being used as optimally as possible,
plan new projects.
Generated automatically: customized project reports for all stakeholders
Whether project manager, specialist department, management or client - during the course of a project, a wide variety of stakeholders require information on the project status. Depending on the function, not only the level of detail of the information varies, but also the required content.
With just a few clicks, you can generate important standard reports in Projektron BCS on the key assessment criteria of performance, costs and time. Customize the standard report templates with the open source report designer BIRT to meet your individual needs and supplement them according to your requirements.
Are you planning to send regular status and progress reports to specific people? With the report jobs, which offer an integrated e-mail function in Projektron BCS, such requirements can be automated particularly efficiently. In the user-friendly wizard, you enter all the necessary information on report content, output interval and recipients once. Projektron BCS then takes care of all further steps, including dispatch, fully automatically for you.
You can also insert standard templates for the project application and project completion for each project category in the tool. The associated final report view now contains checklist items that support the project completion. Finally, you generate the final project report and add further documents to it.
It is also possible to create new report templates, adapted to your company's CI specifications. Of course, you can integrate additional report templates into Projektron BCS.
Enhanced data protection: employee assignments can be removed
In ongoing projects, the assignment of employees ensures a clear allocation of tasks and transparent responsibilities for each task in the project. In long-standing projects, the specific personal reference is often no longer relevant. If you work with Projektron BCS, you have the option of removing employee assignments from completed projects.
You can trigger anonymization manually, for example by the data protection officer in the company, or automatically via a defined CronJob. During anonymization, Projektron BCS deletes the links to employee data records from project elements with a personal reference, such as team and effort plans, project bookings, change histories or tickets. All other data in the project remains intact and is available for evaluation.
Project controlling with Projektron BCS - your benefits at a glance
Project overview with graphical evaluations for your multi-project controlling
Flexible evaluation dimensions: evaluate what is important to you
Gantt chart with graphical progress display: check status, adjust deadlines
Work breakdown structure with drill-down functionality: immediately record status at all structural levels
Multidimensional task evaluation in interactive sunburst diagram
Target/actual comparisons with traffic lights and progress evaluations
Forecast warns of impending budget overruns
Simple plan changes and traceable change history
Milestone trend analysis for efficient deadline controlling
Earned value analysis: project progress, plan fulfillment and forecasts
E-mail notifications for important deadlines and events on request
Easily generate project reports according to individual requirements
Enhanced data protection: anonymization of employee assignments