Projektron BCS Release Notes 23.1

The new features of the BCS release 23.1

Projektron BCS offers a wealth of functions for your entire project management and for handling your business processes. To make these functions more intuitive and user-friendly to use, the new Projektron BCS 23.1 version is all about optimizing performance and usability. You will benefit from shorter loading times, especially in resource planning and project scheduling. The workload display for user groups in the project plan and work schedule promises a better overview. The new copy-by-dragging function provides all BCS users with greater ease of use and considerable time savings when entering data.

Manual input of identical data in seconds: Copy-by-Dragging

Do you work with Excel? Then you are certainly familiar with the simplified input of identical values in a row or column by dragging the bottom right corner of the cell. This function is called "Copy by Dragging" and is now also available in Projektron BCS in a very similar way. In lists and trees, it is now possible in many places in edit mode to transfer content to neighboring cells by dragging.

The new copy-by-dragging function saves a considerable amount of time and effort for almost every BCS user when entering data manually. For example, in daily work scheduling, you can manage the entry of hundreds of identical values in just a few seconds.

This function is also available for BCS.start.

Security and performance: Manage TLS/SSL certificates, work schedule and WBS without long loading times

Using TLS/SSL certificates improves the security of your data by ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of information exchanged between the web browser and Projektron BCS. TLS/SSL certificates help protect the privacy of your data and guard against data tampering. With BCS 23.1, you as a user can upload TLS/SSL certificates directly via the new TLS/SSL Certificates view in the Administration workspace and apply them in Apache Tomcat.

Especially in the work schedula and when entering dependencies in the work breakdown structure, you benefit from significant performance optimizations with 23.1. You can now enter predecessors and successors in the work breakdown structure and project plan directly by entering the name of the desired work breakdown structure element with auto-completion or by using the object selection. Alternatively, you can define tasks and projects as predecessors or successors using drag-and-drop. The previous input variant with line numbers is still available via an option in the views. However, we recommend the new variant, especially for large projects, because it has better performance.

Utilization of user groups in the project and time plan

Do you plan the processing of tasks with the effort planning model "user groups"? Then BCS 23.1 brings you more overview and transparency: In the work schedule there is the new option "Consider assignments via user groups". In the time plan and project plan, the workload information for user groups is now also displayed for tasks planned via user groups.

This function is not available for BCS.start.

Other selected functions of the 23.1


  • Navigator streamlined
  • Tooltip at team icon shows team members 
  • Optimization of multi-project views
  • Work time evaluation view: new preset & column optimization
  • Improvements and functional enhancements to print & poster printing
  • Improvement of full text search: Now also captures terms in object path
  • Undoing of unintended actions

Personnel Management

  • Sickness appointments can be created as repeat appointments and can be edited, copied and moved
  • Vacations with duration 0 possible for status cancelled/rejected


  • A memo is automatically created when sending invoices by mail
  • Invoice templates/invoice can be set to a percentage and the use of "daily/hourly rate" as an alternative billing mode for the billing of travel times
  • Invoices view extended by "Invoice items" subview

Project management

  • New view "Cost/Period" on the level of the project, project group (plan group), group and the project tree, in which the temporal course of the absolute cost values is visible
  • Project overview: Diagrams and tachos with central time filter "Period (key figures)" to limit to a certain period of time

Effort planning

  • Effort plan: At the level of groups and project groups TD Plan Ext P values are considered and displayed analogously to TD Plan t.
  • Project Plan gets two more display options: "Show Team Members: Placeholders only" and "Show by effort: Show only team members without plan effort"

Work schedule

  • Appointments planned on a weekly or monthly basis can subsequently be planned in more detail in the time unit days.
  • In the work schedule, assigned user groups are displayed broken down so that the members of the user group can be planned individually.

In addition

  • Resource management: comment function on resource requests
  • Order planning: automatic calculation of the total job value during interval planning
  • Project schedule: Total workloads of user groups can be displayed
  • Material cost budget: Actual material cost entries can also be moved in interval-scheduled material cost plans via drag-and-drop
  • Multi-project board: Print view, poster print and download as PDF or PNG now available
  • Scrum: If a question is raised at a Scrum element, a notification is sent via e-mail
  • File storage: Download of multiple files as ZIP file now possible
  • Survey module: Survey templates and function "Copy survey" implemented
  • User role "Inventory manager" linked to module for inventory management

And much more!

More detailed descriptions of the functions can be found in the release notes and documentation of Projektron BCS.

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