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Projektron BCS 6.16
Planned in Euro – invoiced in US-Dollar: Projektron BCS 6.16 makes you more flexible, for example in the choice of currency.
Ability to deal with several currencies
In Projektron BCS, currencies and exchange rates are managed over the complete system as of version 6.16. In project planning, the project manager determines the currency in which the projects are planned. All bookings are stored in the respective local currenc . The project manager decides whether project assessments and reports are displayed in the project currency or in another currency. Conversion takes place at the respectively current exchange rate of the day.
The project manager can also select the currency when preparing an offer. Purchase and sales prices are also converted at the rate of the day. Any costs incurred due to time bookings are stored in the local currency. The project manager may decide whether the project currency or any other currency is used for the project assessment and reports.
Within the frame of invoicing, the projects are settled in the project currency in order to avoid possible rounding errors.
Risk management - status definition for risks
In the project planning of Projektron BCS, risks can be defined. In addition to a description and possible counter-measures, these risks also include information regarding the probability of occurrence, costs, expenses and delays which may be caused by the occurrence of such risk.
A risk can be marked with a status : Occurred means that the risk already occurred. Not occurred means that the risk did not occur. As long as it is still unclear whether the risk occurs, the status is existing.
Since version 6.16, the status existing is linked to the probability of occurrence. The costs,expenses and delays caused by a risk are offset against the probability of occurrence and result in assessed costs, expenses and delays.
For large projects with many risks, this leads to a realistic average value which takes the assumed costs/efforts/delays and the probability of occurrence into account. An overview of all risks defined is available.
Shifting tasks in the utilisation of resources
The overview utilisation of resources shows the utilisation of the project team for a certain period of time in the future. Projects and tasks can be shown or hidden in the overview.
Tasks can only be shifted within thisoverview – by a certain number of days or to a certain starting date. In shifting, the working time models of the team members as well as their holiday or sickness dates are taken into consideration. This means that days on which no team member is working according to this information are not used as starting dates and/or are included in the calculation of the end date.
Scheduling in project groups according to the resources
With version 6.16, it is possible to plan projects according to the number of available resources in a project group. In this, projects with a higher priority are planned prior to projects with a lower priority and organised according to the availability of the allocated employees. If there are several projects with the same priority, additional priority rules regarding the tasks can be used in order to clarify what must be processed first.
Definition of invoicing categories for the project
In the master data of the project, in version 6.16 it is possible to enter according to which invoicing category (fixed price, expenses or fixed price & expenses) invoicing shall take place for this project. If it is defined, the invoicing category is taken over when invoice templates or invoices are prepared. If invoice templates are already available, the superior invoicing category of the project prevails over the invoicing category defined in the invoice templates.