
News from Projektron

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Herbert Herzke (l.), Sprecher des Beirates für den Dokupreis mit den Projektron-Mitarbeitern Claudia Klemt und Frank Nädler

Projektron honored again with tekom documentation award

11. November 2015

The Berlin software manufacturer can be pleased about its third thot. After 2010 and 2012, Projektron has received the Dokupreis of the Fachverband für Technische Kommunikation for the third time this year.

Alle PreisträgerInnen des Total E-Quality Prädikats (Quelle: Annegret Hultsch)

Projektron honored for equal opportunities and diversity 2015

26. October 2015

On October 23, Projektron was awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY rating for equal opportunities and the additional rating for diversity in a ceremony at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.

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