
News from Projektron

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Digital contract management: How to keep an eye on contract costs and deadlines

13. April 2022

Hand on heart: Have you ever missed a cancellation deadline? What can easily happen privately with a cell phone contract sometimes causes considerable damage in the professional environment. Employees in companies have to keep track of a lot of different contracts, for example service agreements, rental agreements, leasing agreements, cooperation agreements, maintenance agreements, purchase agreements or support agreements. Each contract has individual terms, conditions and periods of notice. In addition, different people within the company are often responsible for concluding the contract. This article explains why digital contract management has become indispensable and how you can manage your contracts efficiently and effectively.

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Dark Mode - Welcome to the dark side

08. March 2022

It's on everyone's lips and polarizing: dark mode. There is hardly an app, program or website that does not now offer a dark design. Even all popular browsers and operating systems are now available in dark mode. Many people love dark mode and praise its supposed advantages, while others demonize it, see it as a temporary hype or dismiss it as a useless gimmick. At Projektron, we take a differentiated view of the phenomenon, but we do appreciate the advantages of a dark mode. Reason enough to elicit the dark side of BCS! What is the myth about dark mode? Does it really have demonstrable advantages over the traditional Light Mode? How do you activate Dark Mode in BCS? You will learn all this in this article.

Ticket is trump: Why the ticket system is unbeatable in support

01. December 2021

Do you handle incoming customer inquiries and complaints via e-mail? Or would you like to offer round-the-clock customer service, but are struggling to keep your hotline staffed throughout? Does your support team have a hard time prioritizing customer inquiries and assigning them to the appropriate agents? Consider a ticket system in customer support! A ticket system is the ideal solution to make your support customer-centric, productive and efficient. Learn more about the advantages of a ticket system in support and what you should look for when selecting a system here.

In the student project, Projektron wanted to improve its support portal

Improving the support portal: Cooperation for customer satisfaction

20. October 2021

Especially when a customer is looking for help or contacting the company, a positive user experience matters. A service or support portal is a must-have when it comes to ensuring customer satisfaction and is therefore an indispensable part of ITSM (IT service management). But what is a support portal? What tasks does it perform? Why is Projektron working with Reutlingen University to improve the support portal? You can find out all this in this article.

Complaint management with the EVA3 method

EVA3 in complaint management: customer-oriented conflict resolution in 5 steps

01. September 2021

Can you handle criticism? EVA3 helps you to establish a scheme for your handling of customer complaints. What the EVA3 method is, how you can successfully establish it for conflict resolution in your company's complaint management and how you can benefit from using it, you will learn in this article.

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