
News from Projektron

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[Translate to Englisch:] Projektron Mitarbeiter nehmen das Total E-Quality Prädikat entgegen (Quelle: DigitalDesignTeam, Sami Radwan, Bildrechte: TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e. V.)

Projektron honored for equal opportunities and diversity 2018

09. November 2018

On October 31, Projektron was awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY distinction for equal opportunities at a ceremony in Stuttgart-Feuerbach and received the special diversity award.

TOTAL E-QUALITY: Projektron again receives additional award

20. August 2018

For the third time in a row, Projektron has been awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY rating with the addition of Diversity. The rating is the result of an extensive application process and is valid for three years. It must be proven that the path to equal opportunities is sustainable and that further progress has been made. Projektron has succeeded in this.

Projektron again best practice in the "Digital Compatibility" guide of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs

24. April 2018

In September 2017, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth published the guide "Digital Compatibility - Home Office and Mobile Working", which highlights the opportunities offered by mobile forms of work for balancing family and career.

Projektron erreicht Platz 5 bei Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber

Projektron reaches 5th place in "Germany's Best Employers 2018

16. March 2018

Projektron GmbH has once again been recognized in the "Germany's Best Employers 2018" competition by Great Place to Work. Projektron took part for the fifth time and achieved 5th place in its size category of 50 to 100 employees. In total, around 740 companies of all sizes and industries took part in the competition.

[Translate to Englisch:] Projektron erreichte den 2. Platz im GPTW-Wettbewerb. Foto: Konstantin Gastmann für Great Place to Work

Projektron again receives the "Best Employer in Berlin-Brandenburg 2018" award

07. March 2018

For the fifth time, Projektron GmbH was recognized as one of the best employers in the "Best Employers in Berlin-Brandenburg 2018" competition by Great Place to Work. In the size category of companies with 50 - 250 employees, the software manufacturer achieved 2nd place.

Projektron GmbH erhält die Qualitätsauszeichnung „Qualität und guter Service aus der Hauptstadtregion" Berlin-Brandenburg 2018/2019

Projektron receives quality award

27. February 2018

After a successful appraisal, Berlin-based Projektron GmbH receives the quality award "Quality and Good Service from the Capital Region" Berlin-Brandenburg 2018/2019. The appraisal for the quality award was carried out by the Verein für Qualitätsförderung und Beratung e.V. (Association for Quality Promotion and Consulting). (VQB) carried out.

Projektron wurde vom TÜV Süd nach ISO27001 zertifiziert

Projektron receives ISO 27001 certificate for information security

14. February 2018

Berlin-based Projektron GmbH receives ISO 27001 certification for its information security management system (ISMS) following a successful audit by TÜV Süd Management Service GmbH.

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