
News from Projektron

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Clear project objectives not only have a significant influence on the direction of a project, but also on its success.

Defining project objectives - the key to project success

04. July 2024

Let's build the foundation of every successful project: clear, precise and inspiring project objectives. A project objective is not just a vision, but the living blueprint for your success story. Find out why a clear definition is crucial for project success and how to formulate objectives precisely. Delve into different types of objectives, overcome conflicting objectives and use the objective relationship matrix. Discover how clear project objectives not only have a significant impact on alignment, but also on success!

Projektron GmbH among the best BRIGITTE Modern Work companies 2024

13. June 2024

Projektron GmbH has been recognized in the study “The Best Modern Work Companies” by BRIGITTE magazine. The results of the study have now been published, and Projektron is one of the 146 best companies that took part in the survey. This award confirms the Berlin-based software company's outstanding position as an employer that successfully implements modern work concepts. At a time when flexibility, equality and a strong corporate culture are becoming increasingly important, Projektron shows how these principles can be put into practice.

Projektron GmbH has completed the TISAX® assessment procedure

22. May 2024

The ENX Association supports with TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of VDA the common acceptance of Information Security Assessments in the automotive industry. The TISAX Assessments are conducted by accredited audit providers that demonstrate their qualification at regular intervals. TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for general public. For Projektron GmbH confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have great value. We have taken extensive measures on protection of sensitive and confidential information.

Plan, implement and control projects efficiently with HERMES - HERMES Project Management

HERMES project management: structured flexibility for successful projects

18. April 2024

Simply divine: the project management method that is always ready for immediate use, just like the Greek messenger of the gods - HERMES. Learn all about HERMES project management, a method that is widely used in Switzerland and combines clear structures with flexibility. From the basics to certification, discover how to plan, implement and manage HERMES projects efficiently and why the method can also be a valuable asset outside Switzerland.

Even the last arrow in the quiver didn't find its target? The project has failed. How did it get this far? Find out the 8 most common reasons for project failure and what you can do about it.

Why projects fail - 8 common reasons, 8 solutions

11. March 2024

Who hasn't experienced it? You start a new project full of enthusiasm and confidence. The planning has already been successfully completed, the project launch went extremely well and everyone involved is full of enthusiasm and drive. But over time, the mood begins to change and with it the entire project. Work processes go awry as planned, communication becomes rougher and more confusing, collaboration starts to break down. The project threatens to fail. The reasons for the failure of a project can be very diverse, but there are recurring problems. Find out what the 8 most common reasons for project failure are and what you can do about them.

Mit der Projektron WebApp erfassen Sie Anwesenheiten, Projektzeiten, Arbeitszeiten, Kontakte und Spesen immer und überall unkompliziert.

Progressive Web Apps: Apple revokes planned end from iOS 17.4!

04. March 2024

As a result of adjustments to the Digital Markets Act of the European Union (DMA), Apple decided at very short notice to no longer support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on the iPhone in the European Union with the next update (iOS 17.4). The end of support would only have affected iPhones, but not the iPad. Now the unexpected 180° turnaround: PWAs will also be supported in upcoming iOS versions within the EU.

Project time tracking pays off for your company! We offer tips, best practices and discuss controversies surrounding project-related time tracking.

Project time recording - Why it pays to record project times

14. February 2024

Since the ECJ ruling in 2019, there has been an increased focus on time recording, especially in project management. Project time recording is not just about simply recording working time, but rather about the detailed booking of time for specific activities as part of project work. While project time recording offers clear advantages, there are also concerns among employees. But what are the pros and cons in detail? Find out tips and best practices for introducing project-based time recording in your company here.

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