
News from Projektron

In our blog, you can regularly read new technical articles and find out what's new and exciting in the world of project management.

Combined implementation strategies: A combo for successful software implementation

28. February 2023

Combined strategies for introducing enterprise software integrate the big bang method and iterative process models. This allows them to be adapted more precisely and individually to the needs of the company in large implementation projects. Find out here which combination of introduction strategies is suitable for which companies, what the respective advantages and disadvantages are, and which strategy you should choose for your introduction project of complex enterprise software.

Project-oriented software implementation: customization according to experience

01. February 2023

Project-oriented software implementation is a variant of iterative, step-by-step implementation. Find out here for which companies and which use cases this implementation strategy is suitable, where its advantages and disadvantages lie, and how you can successfully implement it for your implementation project.

Wir stellen die 7 zentralen Vorteile von Projektmanagement-Software vor und geben 6 Tipps für die Auswahl.

7 central advantages of project management software

27. January 2023

From better Excel spreadsheets to comprehensive business coordination software: The spectrum of tools and programs called project management software is diverse. But which advantages does project management software offer at all and for which company is it worthwhile to acquire a PM tool? We provide 7 good reasons why a project management software can also unfold numerous advantages for your company.

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Process modeling according to BPMN 2.0

12. December 2022

BPMN - the standard for process modeling. BPMN stands for Business Process Model and Notation and is an internationally used modeling language for business process modeling. It is used for the graphical representation of workflows and their interactions with each other. Find out everything about BPMN and how you can use it here.

Das Deutsche Innovationsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND) hat die Projektron GmbH als „Arbeitgeber der Zukunft 2022“ prämiert.

Projektron honored as Employer of the Future 2022

01. December 2022

The German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (DIND) has awarded Projektron GmbH the title "Employer of the Future 2022". The evaluation process consisted of an analysis of the status quo and the company's environment in terms of digitalization, customer orientation, human resources management and sustainability.

Projektron GmbH and its customer Mercoline GmbH were awarded the prize in the category for "good solutions for process-oriented reorganization and process optimization" by the Gesellschaft für Organisation on October 12, 2022 for their successful cooperation. (Photo: gfo)

Projektron and Mercoline honored with Process Solution Award 2022

20. October 2022

On October 12, 2022, the Process Solution Award 2022 was presented during the gfo annual congress in Düsseldorf. Projektron GmbH and its customer Mercoline GmbH were awarded the prize in the category for "good solutions for process-oriented reorganization and process optimization" by the Gesellschaft für Organisation for their successful cooperation.

Comprehensive internal and external project communication is crucial for project success. Projektron gives free tips and offers a communication matrix template.

Successful project communication: Communication management in projects

12. October 2022

One of the main reasons for project failure is poor project communication - according to a study by PMI, professional project communication management is thus just as important for project success as accurate cost estimation, a clear definition of project goals and a thorough risk analysis. What exactly is project communication and what should be considered? Projektron gives 3 practical tips.

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