06/13/2024 - Awards

Projektron GmbH among the best BRIGITTE Modern Work companies 2024

Projektron GmbH has been recognized in the study “The Best Modern Work Companies” by BRIGITTE magazine. The results of the study have now been published, and Projektron is one of the 146 best companies that took part in the survey. This award confirms the Berlin-based software company's outstanding position as an employer that successfully implements modern work concepts. At a time when flexibility, equality and a strong corporate culture are becoming increasingly important, Projektron shows how these principles can be put into practice.

Award and significance

Projektron GmbH achieved 4 out of a possible 5 stars in the overall ranking. This result proves that it is one of the leading companies in successfully implementing modern work concepts. The study evaluated a wide range of aspects in the five categories of “Compatibility and Flexibility”, “Equality and Diversity”, “Empowerment”, “Corporate Culture and Structure” and “Career Advancement”.

Successful implementation of modern work concepts

Projektron GmbH received full marks in three of these categories, namely “Compatibility and Flexibility”, “Empowerment” and “Corporate Culture and Structure”. This top rating shows that Projektron offers excellent working conditions, particularly in these areas:

  • Reconciliation and flexibility: Projektron enables its employees to optimally combine their professional and private lives. Flexible working hours, job sharing opportunities, permeability of full-time and part-time positions, offers of help for caring relatives and parents, and a supportive work environment all help employees to balance their individual needs and professional requirements.
  • Empowerment: The company places a high value on empowering its employees and giving them the resources and freedom they need to succeed. This includes regular training, an open communication culture, an open feedback and error culture, opportunities to contribute new ideas and the promotion of personal responsibility.
  • Corporate culture and structure: A positive and inclusive corporate culture and a clear and transparent corporate structure are central components of Projektron GmbH's success. The company promotes a work environment in which all employees feel valued and supported. This begins with transparency in the hiring process and is expressed in everyday life through a variety of measures for a corporate culture that is shared and supportive for all employees, as well as the use of agile techniques and working methods.

Conclusion: Projektron is equipped for upcoming tasks

Being recognized as one of the best modern work companies shows that Projektron GmbH is on the right track to meeting the challenges of the modern working world. The company relies on flexible and innovative working models to offer its employees an optimal work environment while ensuring the highest standards in the areas of compatibility, empowerment and corporate culture.

The detailed results and the complete list of the best companies are available in the current issue of BRIGITTE 13/2024 and online at www.brigitte.de/modernwork2024.

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