03/17/2017 - Awards

Projektron once again among Germany's best employers

Berlin-based Projektron GmbH took 12th place in the size category 50 to 500 employees in the nationwide competition "Germany's Best Employers 2017" held by the Great Place to Work Institute. Over 50% of the total of around 700 participating companies from all industries, sizes and regions fell into this size category.

"The award as one of the best employers confirms to us that motivated and satisfied employees drive our company forward. For us, it's all about developing an innovative product and providing good service to our customers. Employees' identification with the company and sustainable human resources work are essential building blocks for this," says Maik Dorl, Managing Director of Projektron GmbH.

The award stands for credible, respectful and fair relationships with employees and the creation of a workplace culture that is highly characterized by trust, pride and team spirit. The assessment is based on representative employee surveys on the perceived quality of the workplace and employer attractiveness in the participating companies, as well as a survey of management on HR measures.

"We develop our HR measures in close exchange with employees. At the same time, we exchange ideas with other companies as part of the competition and receive exciting new suggestions for our HR management," says Sandra Gerhardt, HR manager at Projektron.

This is the second award for Projektron this year: In the category "Best Employers in Berlin-Brandenburg 2017", the software manufacturer emerged as the winner in its size category from the Great Place to Work competition.

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