06/29/2016 - Awards

Projektron receives award for compatibility of family and career

Projektron was named the most family-friendly company in the 21 - 250 employees category in the state-wide "Companies for Families - Berlin 2016" competition on June 28, 2016. A total of 24 companies took part in the competition.

"We were particularly convinced by the well-rounded picture at Projektron: The company has managed to excellently adapt the working environment to the requirements of employees in the IT industry," said Melanie Bähr, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce. In her laudatory speech, Bähr praised transparency and flexibility in everyday work at Projektron.

The focus of this year's competition was on the company's commitment to fathers. Projektron can now carry the title "Company for the Family", which is awarded under the patronage of the governing mayor, until 2018.

Patricia Rezic, Human Resources Manager and Controller at Projektron: "We are very proud of this award and are pleased that our commitment to a good workplace culture has once again been confirmed." Maik Dorl, Managing Director, adds: "As a father of two children myself, I know the challenge of mastering the balancing act between family and work. Satisfied employees like to stay with the company and thus secure its future."

Projektron has already received several awards for its human resources work.

[Translate to Englisch:] Melanie Bähr (links), stellvertretende Hauptgeschäftsführerin der IHK Berlin, und Thomas Härtel, Staatssekretär a. D., Vorsitzender des Berliner Beirats für Familienfragen, mit Projektron-Mitarbeiterinnen. Die Bildrechte liegen bei der Handwerkskammer Berlin.

[Translate to Englisch:] Melanie Bähr (links), stellvertretende Hauptgeschäftsführerin der IHK Berlin, und Thomas Härtel, Staatssekretär a. D., Vorsitzender des Berliner Beirats für Familienfragen, mit Projektron-Mitarbeiterinnen. Die Bildrechte liegen bei der Handwerkskammer Berlin.

[Translate to Englisch:]
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