11/02/2021 - Awards
TOTAL E-QUALITY award ceremony
At the end of October, we received the TOTAL E-Quality award with the addition of Diversity. We are delighted that our human resources management has once again been honored in this competition.
For the second time, Projektron participated in the extensive employer study focusing on the advancement of women conducted by the magazine BRIGITTE and achieved the maximum rating of five stars. The measures in the following criteria are decisive for this:
- reconciling work and family life
- flexibility of work
- career advancement
- importance of transparency and equality
- proportion of women in management positions
The aim of the study is to honor companies with outstanding advancement of women. A total of 292 companies took part in the competition.
Sandra Gerhardt, Head of Human Resources at Projektron: “We are very pleased to receive this award again. It confirms that we are on the right track towards true equality in our day-to-day business. For years, the proportion of women in our company has been consistently 45%. Whether it's a working student, a single father or an employee caring for a relative – we aim to support and promote each employee individually in their current situation. This is possible thanks to our flexible working time models, other measures to reconcile work and family life, individual support and fair pay for all our employees.”
Projektron GmbH has regularly been recognized for its good human resources work for over ten years, including in the Great Place to Work employer competition, in which Projektron was recognized for the seventh time in 2021.