Druckguss Systeme AG

The die casting business is very fast moving and requires high adaptability. To ensure this, DGS has been relying on Projektron BCS since 2021, which is characterized by high flexibility and individual configurability and therefore forms a stable basis for any type of project.

Projektron BCS in use

Druckguss Systeme AG uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:

  • Project planning
  • Project controlling


In high-tech industries such as the automotive industry or apparatus engineering, precision components made of light metal are playing an increasingly important role. This is precisely why leading European companies rely on the comprehensive die casting expertise of DGS. DGS Druckguss Systeme AG is an internationally active company based in St. Gallen. As the former die casting foundry of Bühler AG, they have extensive experience in various die casting processes acquired over more than 50 years. The combination of experience and inventiveness allows them to create the maximum added value for each customer. 

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