Institut für Mikroelektronik und Mechatronik-Systeme
To enable the Institute for Microelectronics and Mechatronic Systems to concentrate fully on your research and development, Projektron BCS has taken over project management since 2010.
Projektron BCS in use
Institut für Mikroelektronik und Mechatronik-Systeme uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:
- Document management
- Portfolio management (PPM)
- Project controlling
- Project planning
- Resource management
- Customer support system
- Holiday management
- Time recording
IMMS strengthens small and medium-sized companies with application-oriented research and development in microelectronics, systems engineering and mechatronics and transfers results of basic research into applications and products. As a strategic partner, they support companies in launching internationally successful innovations for health, the environment and industry. The IMMS accompanies the KMUs in this process from the feasibility study to series production, as research capacities and financial potential are often insufficient. The aim is to close this gap between science and industry.