Mercoline GmbH
Since 2008, Mercoline has been using Projektron BCS holistically for the complete handling of its service and IT projects and the automation of internal company processes - with success!
Projektron BCS in use
Mercoline GmbH uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:
- Offer preparation
- BPMN workflow
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Personnel management
- Project planning
- Project controlling
- Invoicing
- Resource management
- Project management
- Project execution
- Project preparation
- Multi-project management
- Project communication
- Expense management
- Customer support system
- Time recording
- Holiday management
- Contract management
Mercoline is a leading provider of precisely tailored IT solutions and services for SAP and EDI. At the same time, Mercoline is part of DATAGROUP and therefore works together with around 3,500 colleagues with a wide range of skills in a wide range of networked projects. Mercoline offers fully integrable add-ons for the SAP Business Suite and SAP S/4HANA in the areas of foreign trade and transport logistics, e.g. connection of transport service providers, freight cost management, ATLAS customs processing, export control, sanctions list check or preference processing.

David Rosenau
Head of Solution Consulting/SAP Senior Consultant
Projektron BCS has long been THE central tool for us, which we use to map almost all of our company's processes. We quickly benefited from the decision to reduce the amount of different tools and thus diverse interfaces and finally decided that BCS should be our ERP system.