secunet Security Networks AG
secunet Security Networks provides more IT security for infrastructures, data and digital identities and has been relying on Projektron BCS for its projects since 2014.
Projektron BCS in use
secunet Security Networks AG uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:
- Project controlling
- Project planning
- Project management
- Time recording
- Resource management
- Customer support system
- Document management
- Risk Management
secunet is Germany's leading cybersecurity company. In an increasingly networked world, the company ensures resilient, digital infrastructures and the highest possible protection for data, applications and digital identities with a combination of products and consulting. secunet specializes in areas where there are particular security requirements - such as cloud, IIoT, eGovernment and eHealth. With secunet's security solutions, companies can comply with the highest security standards in digitization projects and thus drive forward their digital transformation. Over 1,000 experts strengthen the digital sovereignty of governments, companies and society. Customers include federal ministries, more than 20 DAX-listed companies, and other national and international organizations.