Standardised processes, clear structures and roles

Success story from uniVersa Versicherungen

We use Projektron BCS to plan and control all internal projects and requirements. Project controlling and reporting are essential factors for us and can be adapted very individually.

uniVersa was established at a time when the state was not yet involved in social welfare. It has its origins in 1843, when tobacco factory workers in Nuremberg founded a sick benefits association. This makes it the oldest private health insurance company in Germany.

Only a few years later – in 1857 – a burial insurance fund was established as the forerunner of today's uniVersa Lebensversicherung a.G. In 1951, the insurance group was restructured to become a modern company that could cover the interests of a broad customer base, Since the foundation of the holding company in 1994, the group has comprised the following companies: uniVersa Lebensversicherung a.G., uniVersa Krankenversicherung a.G., uniVersa Beteiligungs-AG and uniVersa Allgemeine Versicherung AG. The two leading companies, uniVersa Lebensversicherung a. This legal form not only stands for entrepreneurial independence but also for the greatest possible customer benefit.

As a modern financial services provider, uniVersa specialises in providing comprehensive solutions to pension problems, primarily for private households and small and medium-sized companies. Around 7,000 employees and sales partners are available to provide expert advice to customers throughout Germany.

uniVersa and Projektron BCS

The number and complexity of IT requirements made the use of a project management/planning tool absolutely essential. The new tool should support us in the future throughout the entire process, from requirements planning and implementation to controlling. After completing a market analysis and various test installations, the decision was made in favour of Projektron BCS.

Since November 2010, uniVersa has been using Projektron BCS in IT, in the areas of application development, operations and computer science to plan the costs and deadlines for new developments and adaptations of the application/inventory management systems, IT infrastructure and projects.

With Projektron BCS, an outdated in-house development for recording expenses was replaced. In addition, we are now able to transparently map the planning and implementation of all legal, strategic and technical requirements for IT, i.e. the entire planning process. It enables us to quickly and with just a few clicks make a statement about the current status or degree of implementation of a requirement. The system is currently used by around 100 IT employees.

Standardised processes, clear structures and roles

New requirements are created centrally by the requirements management team and, depending on the topic, sorted into the project tree according to priority. The planning of the requirements/projects is carried out by the responsible group and specialist group leaders. The subdivision into sub-projects, work packages and tasks depends on the size and scope of the requirement. Multi-project management provides managers with a cross-project overview of all requirements and projects with regard to the deployment plan and resource utilisation, free capacities and the project/task deadlines including milestones. Depending on their area of responsibility, basic loads, e.g. maintenance, operational tasks or training/education, have been stored centrally for employees. Employees also enter and plan their holidays and appointments lasting several days or absences in Projektron BCS.


Despite its extensive functionality, the web-based application is easy to understand and use. It also offers a wide range of options for making individual adjustments in the administrative area using the WebConfig editor. Navigation in the help menu quickly leads to the individual topics. For larger problems, Projektron support always offers very good assistance.


By using this project management tool, we have succeeded in bringing more transparency to the multitude of requirements. Costs, resources and deadlines for the individual projects can be displayed quickly and easily and, if necessary, appropriate control measures can be taken. In the future, we will use the system even more for controlling and reporting. Objective: development of an individual reporting system.

uniVersa Lebensversicherung a.G.

Industry: Finance and insurance KCustomer since: 2010
Users: 121

Most-used functions:

Autor: Thilo Grawert, Senior Vice President IT Operations/ Senior Vice President DSO
Status: 10/2024

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